Monday, December 6, 2010


So by now I'm sure all of you know what the EOS Lip Balms are, but I figured I'd go ahead and do a post anyway. This was the first one I got and it's in Summer Fruit. I found it at Walmart and picked it up because I had heard so many good things about them. I'm a Carmex girl all the way, but my hubby hates the taste of it so I wanted to give this a try on his behalf lol. I love these. I have purchased all of them because I can't live with out them. They are so moisturizing. They're perfect for me because of my lips adjusting to the weather change. I love the way they smell and they taste so good lol. Not to mention that they're packaging is just so cute. I believe I paid around $3 each, but they're definitely worth trying out.

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